Arms and Armor from Iran; the Bronze Age to the End of the Qajar Period
Publisher Legat
Pub Date 2006
Pub Location None
Isbn 9783932942228
This book is the result of more than a decade of intensive research in the field of Iranian arms and armor, illustrating for the first time selected arrays from 10 Iranian museums. The topic is introduced with a general overview of Iranian history with particular emphasis on military history. Drawing from more than 500 sources, this study also includes an overview of the development of historical copper, bronze, iron, and steel weapons such as swords, bows, maces, axes, shields, armor, and more. In-depth information regarding the classification of the various artifacts is also presented, and different signatures on swords and other weapons are illustrated within the treatise, exploring each item in its cultural setting. A chapter dedicated to the martial arts and warrior training in ancient Iran, traces of which are still evident in the modern culture, is also featured.